Monday, February 25, 2013

Use Fewer Resources to Make a Tasty Cake

Do you have a birthday or do you have a friend with birthday and you do not know where to find a cake to give him/her as a present? Do not worry you can make your own cake by using best, cheap and available resources. To do this you will require a few things such as:-
  1. Charcoal stove and charcoal
  2. Baking pan and its cover
  3. Knife
  4. 2 tsp of Chocolate
  5. 1 ½ cup plain flour
  6. 1 cup sugar
  7. 3 Eggs
  8.  ¼ cup butter
  9. 1 cup milk
  10. ½ tsp baking powder
How to prepare your cake
  1. Charcoal stove- using a clay charcoal stove light the fire and leave it to be hot for some time
  2. Mix your sugar and butter until they are smooth
  3. Break your egg in different dishes and stir, add to your mixture
  4. Add your milk and stir until they mix well
  5. Add your flour, baking powder and chocolate and stir until they make a good paste
  6. Take your baking pan and small amount of butter spread all around it; this will help your cake not to stick in a baking pan.
  7. Pour your hot charcoal on top of baking pan cover.
  8. Pour your mixture to your baking pan 
  9. Put it in the empty hot charcoal stove and cover it
  10. Keep on fanning and checking with your knife until your cake is cooked.
You can now enjoy your cake with your friends and family.

Monday, December 10, 2012



A family is a social unit living together. It is made up of grandparents, father, mother and children. For each family to run smoothly every member have a role to play in the family.

Roles of different members in the families
If we are to start with the grandparents, their main role is to advise the family members for instance if there is a quarrel on the family, they will try to solve it amicably.
Father’s role – the father is the head of the family, they have numerous roles for instance to protect the family provide them with basic needs. He is the final decision maker though in consultation with the wife. He gives love to the mother and children.
The mother has very important role in the family. She bears children, takes care of them and the father, cooking, cleaning the house, among others.
Children’s roles rather depend on their age. There are those who can help in simple chores that they can be able to perform. Children are supposed to obey and respect their parents.

Challenges Facing Families Today and the Repercussion

  • Other lovers outside wedlock
  • Separation
  • Divorce
  • Prostitution
  • In-Laws
  • Stress
  • Early death
  • Drunkardness
  • Procreation 
Other lovers outside Wedlock (“Mpango wa kando”)
This is the main challenge in most marriages today.  Unfaithfulness in marriage have become just like a trend where men/women are leaving their lovers to go and find other partners outside wedlock. This has lead to an increase in sexual transmitted disease, separation, and single parent.

Separation / Divorce
It is lack of unity, trust, and love that has led to the many divorces we experience. This leads to single parents. Children may also separate with their own parents to become street children or to get employed to do odd jobs.

This has become a source of employment nowadays where men and women are selling their bodies for money. They are doing away with the teachings and moral obligations.

This is a major problem as most of the men have been married to alcohol. They wake up in the morning go to nearby pub to drink only to go back home at the middle of the night asking for something to eat. The woman is the one to find the daily bread to educate the children. Most men have neglected their duties because of alcohol.

When a person is eighteen years and above he is no longer a child this has not entered in some parents mind and they take their children as if they are still in their hands. Some in-laws bring conflict to their children and this may cause them to separate.

Stress/Early Death
Some of these challenges have brought conflicts and stress to both or one partner. This has led the affected parties to end up being depressed and committing suicide. This adds more stress and challenges to the affected families even touching the extended family.
All in all a family should learn on how to stick together in any case and to use what they have whether it’s small or big. Family members should stay in harmony, in love, and in unity.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Pastors of Modern Times

The Pastors of Modern Times

A church is a house of worship. It is a holy place where Christians gather to conduct and observe their religion believes. It can also be defined as any one of the groups of Christians who have their own belief and forms of worship.

In today’s world, it has become very difficult to choose in which house of worship to attend although they are allover in the country like shops. Each with its own name, some hard to comprehend like the Helicopter Church. They are located very close to each other with many having less than ten followers making it difficult to know which God they are praying since it could have made much sense to come up together and worship one God.

In early days the house of worship was known to be a holy place unlike nowadays where people can do any type of evil, dress in anyway they want, talk evil and do anything else they want even in the church. Some modern time pastors have turned women in their church to be their lovers. They are taking advantage of these women telling them that for their problems to be solved, they must sleep with these fake pastors.

The reason behind the sprouting of many churches is because of the self seekers who want to con the unsuspecting Christians telling them that if the want to succeed, they must sow the seed (Panda mbegu). This is in form of offering and tithing. These pastors will stay in affluent places while their followers stay in slums suffering and languishing in penury.

Those who do not attend the church are not left behind in the “panda mbegu” mission; this is because those pastors make a point of preaching in public places like buses and resting places all in the name of preaching the gospel.

These are the last days and people should read the bible which tells the truth so that they can be able to make their own decisions and stop relying on the cunning pastors who will lead them to hell.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Ponder this

Before success comes in any man's life, he's sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and the most logical thing to do is to quit. That's exactly what the majority of men do.
Napoleon Hill

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mom at home jobs

Are you at home with no job, or on a job that is not well rewarding and you need a well paying job? Or you are a mom who wants to boost her income? Then this article is for you to read and implement what you are going to learn from here. There are so many mom at home jobs out in there in the internet waiting for you.

Mom at home jobs will help you pay your bills and meet your family needs easily even in these harsh economic times. There are many types of jobs out there for you. You only need to take the chance and liberate yourself from poverty and uncaring bosses. There are many work at home moms out there who have succeed and they are now their own bosses.

Mom at home jobs have a lot of advantages. I have listed some of the benefits of being a work at home mom here before showing you some examples of the jobs you can do at the comfort of your home.

(i) Be your own boss - Being a work at home mom, you will be your own boss. This means you will be the one to control your time and how long you are going to work in a day without someone barking orders behind your back.

(ii) Take care of your kids - Since you will be self employed and working from home, you will be able to take care of your kids. This will also make it possible for you to home school your kids if you want. You will have ample time with your family.

(iii) Make the money you want - mom at home jobs allow you to make as much money as you want. This is because you schedule your own time of working, taking breaks and going for a holiday.

(iv) Many types of jobs available - There are many types of jobs available for work at home moms.

I have listed some of the ways you can make money as a work at home mom here whereas you are still capable of doing an extensive research on the internet.

(i) Freelancing - There are many freelance work at home jobs available nowadays. There are many sites you can write articles for. In most of these sites, you create an account and then bid for available jobs. Examples of such sites are Odesk, Freelancer, Elance, iwriter and many others out there waiting for you.

(ii) Content mills - For content mills, you write articles and submit to their sites. They pay depending on the traffic to your articles So you will be required to write quality articles for them. Some examples are Triod, Helium, Redgage, hubpages and many others.

(iii) Customer service / help desk - There many companies that are looking for you depending on your training or skills that you posses and you can be able to work for them and earn good money.

(iv) Blogging - A lot of people are making money online by blogging. If you can write good high quality articles, the one people are looking for, then you can be able to earn a lot from blogging.

There are thousands of mom at home jobs available today. They only need to be discovered by you. Take the initiative and start earning from home today. Look out for proof of people who are making a living online. You can also check me at Hubpages where I am earning everyday.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Graffiti in Nairobi

While you are in Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya, remember to check around the building walls, city council toilets  and other unexpected places for graffiti. Of late, there has been an upsurge of graffiti and most of them are politically based.
Graffiti about political orphans
Graffiti about Kenyans united against vultures
Graffiti  have existed since ancient times. They are usually writings or drawings placed on walls in public places. They can been made by scribbling or spraying on the wall. In Kenya, they are being used to warn the masses about the wicked and corrupt politicians who have taken the Kenyan for a ride. They are for waking the peoples mind and make them have another perspective of the politicians that they vote in.
Graffiti saying Kenya deserves respect
The artists behind these works are experts because these graffiti are explicitly drawn, considering that they are usually done at the middle of the night. 

Have a look at this video.
Graffiti in Nairobi 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Introduction to Ms paint

This is a very nice introduction to Ms paint intended for beginners. It will give you  a good grasp of the program and how to use it efficiently and with a lot of ease. Click here to access the tutorial.