Tuesday, November 30, 2010


 NAIROBI, KENYA, the Green City in the Sun.

Nairobi  is the Cpital and largest city of Kenya. The city and its surrounding area also forms the Nairobi county. The name "Nairobi" comes from the Maasai phrase Enkare Nyirobi, which translates to "the place of cool waters". However, it is popularly known as the "Green City in the Sun" and is surrounded by several expanding villa suburbs. The people of Nairobi are popularly nicknamed 'Nairobians'.
A rainy morning in the capital Kenya.
 Night time in Nairobi.

Friday, November 5, 2010


But why do Africa lag behind the other developed continents? Does it have to be the mother of third world countries? When is that time an ordinary African will enjoy being an African in his own country like their great - great – great grandfathers did many years back? For them, before the colonist arrived, they lived in harmony and they worked together towards a common goal. They did not have sophisticated equipments but they still could till their lands using sharp pointed sticks, they could hunt naked in the dense forests and bring food to their families. They had wealth, but look at their descendants today they are languishing in penury. People are dying for lack of food. What went wrong and we are still in the same continent where today we have sophisticated machinery and at that time our fore fathers used crude hand made tools? They had an easy life but today’s man is living from hand to mouth.
One big problem in Africa, is its leadership. Most wars in Africa have been engendered by the thirst for leadership and not a good leadership but a bad one filled with individualism where one only wants to fulfil his selfish dreams. This has turned Africa to a place where no democracy reigns. The continent haves lowly evolved and become a continent with cut throat political competitions where politicians are willing to execute their political enemies so as to remain in power, to continue oppressing the poor and to continue drinking their sweet sweat.
Time has come for us to change the face of Africa and make it a better continent. That can only be achieved by weeding out or the wicked politicians that we have.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


With the new constitution having been promulgated, it is now time to implement it. And it seems like we are going to see the changes we were looking for and fighting for. Now it is the time for the big fish to suffer due to corruption related issues.

Yesterday, Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetangula and his PS Mwangi had to quit pending investigation on alleged corruption cases. This is a good trend and we expect more corrupt officials to be brought to book and in that way, we can be able to clean up our country.