Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Shame That Is Muthurwa Market And Bus Terminus.

Muthurwa Market was built for hawkers and a small portion of it was turned to a bus terminus for all Public Service Vehicles from Eastlands of Nairobi. The move of creating a bus terminus or stage was obviously to bring customers to the hawkers. Its construction was hyped as one of the boldest moves to control hawking and traffic congestion in Nairobi, but this has just turned out to be a mere dream.
Muthurwa Market.

Whoever had come up with the thought of Muthurwa market stage had a brilliant idea. Then whoever came up with the design should never have gone to school. Why? You may ask. The answer is simple, the Muthurwa design or plan is lacking and even someone who has not gone to school can be able to come up with a more better design. The owner of the company that won the contract to build Muthurwa market cum stage should be locked up tight in a maximum prison. The reason is that he/she did a shoddy incomplete work, just like the hundreds of other 'cowboy contractors' (this refers to a group of well-connected contractors who come up clever schemes of making money from the government without doing any work for it) we have in Kenya.

The Muthurwa Hawker's market was launched by his excellency the president,
A plaque commemorating the launch of Muthurwa market.
Hon,Mwai Kibaki on 11th December 2006. It was designed to cater for needs of thousands of hawkers who had been flocking Nairobi streets and roads with their wares. The market actually employs thousands of individuals who sell their wares from makeshift stands.

The problem with the Muthurwa market is its design. The shelters or stands created for hawkers were not well designed to suit their work. The designers/architects failed miserably in their work. Most of the stands are not in use since most hawkers tend to compete for the open spaces being used by the pedestrians creating chaos and confusion in the busy market.

Total chaos
Not long ago, dealers or hawkers who sell farm produce like fruits and vegetables were brought in to occupy the unused spaces. Over the short time they have been there, they have created a mountain of ill- smelling waste. Luckily, this heap of malodorous waste is cleared after reaching a height of several meters. But even after clearing it, it leaves behind a stinking smell that even makes NEMA officials hide in their offices located in lush parts of Nairobi. Something else, because the waste is extracted by heavy bulldozers, they scoop even the top soil in the process creating a man-made dam. The best thing is that this dam is turning itself into a tourist attraction site. What with the increasing presence of white herons?

A matatu evades a deep hole
Muthurwa market also comprise a bus/matatu stage for most of the Eastland vehicles. It is a big shame that these people are required by the government to pay taxes. The road leading to Muthurwa is a pathetic very narrow single lane. There are no potholes because the initially paved road has been totally worn out, leaving deep holes that continually torture the vehicles plying these routes. The matatu owners are forced to drop passengers on far of places like Machakos country Bus, City Stadium roundabout and left to walk for the remaining distance.

During its construction, it was believed that it would ease the traffic congestion in the city. But there is nothing like that that was achieved. The deep potholed narrow feeder roads branching out of Landhies Road cannot be able to accommodate the vehicles entering Muthurwa stage. In times of rain, the place is all muddy. In times of dry weather the place turns more chaotic with dust blowing from all directions. 

Don't say Ohh shit!

Human waste scattered on Muthurwa foot bridge
If you are used to cursing like for example, 'oh shit!', don't say that while you are using the Muthurwa foot bridge. This is because if you don't look before you leap, you will find yourself in deepshit. The shoe cleaners will not want anything to do with you. The footbridge has been turned to a free open air public toilet. So, Nairobians have found it better to dodge vehicles on the ever busy Haile Selassie Avenue. If you are the reigning Olympic champion of hop, step and jump (triple jump), then you can use it.

Since Muthurwa market was built before 2007 elections to appease the hawkers, I suspect that something might be done before the end of this election year. Another shoddy contractor might be contracted to do some shoddy repair work before the coming general elections. Just to buy the hawkers and Eastlanders votes. Let us wait and see.
Human traffic as Nairobians slow down waiting for their time to go past a messy stretch at Muthurwa.

The best thing is that Kenyans are very good and understanding people. They don't complain a lot and they don't refuse to pay taxes like our MPs. They have surely adopted the slogan of walking nation and “wanajihurumia kuwa Wakenya.” In the same case, am not complaining. I am doing my work of writing.

Do you have something like an article you would like published here? Then send it to Your comments are welcome here below.


  1. The footbridge is surely one hell of a footbridge, i used it once, all along wondering why Nairobians chose to dodge crazy matatu drivers and cart pullers. The moment i got the revelation i was in deep shit!

  2. I agree with you Mike, the bridge is a hell of a bridge that is why most people don't use it. Something needs to be done.
